有意申請成為 HKPHCA 會員, 請:
- 下載會籍申請表(只提供英文版本)( PDF / DOC )。
- 填妥表格^ ,連同入會費* 的劃線支票 (支票抬頭為“Hong Kong Public Hospital Cardiologists Association Limited”) ,郵寄到 Flat F, 16/F, Block 3, Bellagio, Sham Tseng, NT (Ms. Wandi LAI 收)。
- 您的申請將有待理事會處理及批核。
* 入會費: $300 full member, $200 associate member
^ Only full member is eligible to vote in general meeting. Proposer and Seconder shall be full member of HKPHCA.